WICE – Wireless Information Collection Environment
In the WICE Project, Alkit develops automotive telematics and fleet management software. Read more here.
Uncertainty-aware and safety-enhanced management of CAVs for safer mixed traffic
Safety of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) within mixed traffic environments, characterized by a coexistence of CAVs and human-driven vehicles, necessitates a comprehensive approach that takes into account the multifaceted uncertainties inherent in real traffic scenarios and driving environments, including uncertain behavior of human drivers and uncertainty due to unreliable/delayed communication. This project, aligning research and industrial efforts about CAV safety, aims to enhance safe operation of CAVs in real-world complex traffic environments. The project is a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology and Alkit Communications AB, and is co-funded by VINNOVA within the FFI program.
Home monitored rehabilitation using an exergaming strategy
This is a collaboration between Alkit and the COPD Centre at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital to perform a clinical study of Alkit’s eSense system for home-based rehabilitation. It is a randomized trial including 92 COPD patients in Sweden. Alkit provides eSense systems, including back-end server infrastructure, technical support, and development.
Completed Projects
Privacy-preserving automotive data sharing
Leveraging advanced encryption and blockchain technologies, this VINNOVA co-funded FFI project will develop a platform that has the potential to provide a new way for privacy-preserving data sharing in automotive applications. The project is led by RISE with participants including Privasea AB and Alkit Communications AB. Alkit will provide its vehicle data access and collection platform WICE for testing and validation.
The complexity of the new mobile networks is growing exponentially. The introduction of AI in telecommunication networks will improve Mobile Network Operations, increase performance, reduce costs and decrease the vulnerability of the network management. In the CeticNext project IMMINENCE, specific use cases and scenarios are studied, including Autonomous Mobile Network Management and Moving Vehicle Scenarios. Alkit participates with a focus connected vehicles.
The ICV-Safe project is a bilateral Sino-Swedish joint effort to identify safety-critical scenarios and develop risk assessment and mitigation methods for intelligent connected vehicles (ICVs). The project will conduct iterative case designs, data collection, simulations, and road test. The results will lay a foundation for safe introduction of ICVs. Alkit contributes with automotive telematics technology and expertise.
AutoSPADA (Automotive Stream Processing and Distributed Analytics)
The aim of the AutoSPADA project is to design, develop, and implement scalable and flexible new methods and platforms for the realization of automotive distributed data analytics and data stream processing involving both in-vehicle, near-vehicle (edge/fog) and back-end (cloud) computing resources. The project is co-funded by VINNOVA within the FFI programme.
Data Driven Energy Efficiency of Ships
This project aims to collect and analyse data from a range of smaller vessels to derive tools and services for achieving higher energy efficiency. Alkit is the coordinator of the project and will explore the possibility of using the WICE system for Marine applications. The project is co-funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.
The aim of the Health5G CelticPlus project is to identify novel use cases of eHealth that take advantage of 5G capabilities, to study and develop 5G enablers for the use cases, and to develop and validate actual eHealth solutions in real environments and real 5G test networks, and disseminate and exploit the results. Alkit’s focus is on rehabilitation training solutions in home care.
Competitive Foundation for Tidal Turbine (CF2T)
In the CF2T project, Alkit explores condition monitoring approaches for tidal energy applications. Read more here.
The aim of the 5G PERFECTA Celtic-Next project is to develop automated processes, tools and mechanisms ensuring 5G service quality, based on data processing and analytics. Alkit participates with a specific focus on use cases for connected vehicles. For more info, see the project home page.
ODF Sweden
Ocean Data Factory Sweden is an arena for competence building and innovation, dedicated to processing of data from the ocean. Alkit participates with competence and experience in data capture and telematics. Read more about ODF Sweden here.
Automated Road Maintenance
The goal of this project is to create a proof-of-concept demonstrator for automated road maintenance with a focus on pedestrian and bicycle roads. Alkit’s role is to provide key technologies and competence regarding connectivity and telematics for autonomous road maintenance vehicles. Read more here.
The OODIDA project (On-board Off-board Distributed Data Analysis) is targeting methodological foundations and practical implementations of distributed automotive data analytics. Alkit contributes with expertise and development resources concerning telematics systems and rapid prototyping platforms. The project is co-funded by VINNOVA within the FFI programme.
Marine Drones
In the Marine Drones project we demonstrate the use of autonomous platforms/drones at sea to make measurements and observations in marine environments. The vessels admit long endurance operations with little personal effort. We demonstrate that resource-efficient, rapid and sustained efforts can provide real-time observations of critical factors for the environment and safety. Read more here.
RiaSoR 2
The OceanERANET-funded RiaSoR 2 project focuses on reliability assessment for wave and tidal energy converters. Alkit is working on data capture, communication and processing for condition based monitoring.
Quality of Experience for Augmented Telepresence
This project addresses the problem of assessing Quality of Experience (QoE) for Augmented Telepresence applications. Alkit’s products will benefit from a deeper investigation of quality of experience and the new opportunities available with Augmented Telepresence technology. Project partners are Mid Sweden University, RISE Acreo, HIAB and Alkit. Read more here.
The RETINA project is a Eurostars project focusing on technology for predictable and reliable communication for automotive applications in heterogeneous systems and networks, including wireless networks. More info here.
BAuD II – Big Automotive Data
The BAuD II project is a continuation of the BAuD FFI project in which a prototype solution has been developed that allows for automated analysis of large data sets collected with the help of telematics services from fleets of test vehicles. In the BAuD II project, the prototype system will be improved and extended in several ways. This includes for example the collection and analysis of subjective user data, captured using a smartphone app, which will provide more precise information on customer needs and expectations. The project also studies privacy issues when collecting and analyzing automotive data from customer vehicles. Project partners are Alkit Communications, Volvo Car Corporation, SICS Swedish ICT and Chalmers University of Technology. The project is co-funded by VINNOVA within the FFI programme. More information here.
Test bed for person centered care and nursing
Alkit and partners are running an e-Health test bed supported by VINNOVA focusing on concepts and ICT services to realize new forms of person centered care and nursing where many professional actors and units are involved, including the individual and relatives. A generic individual-oriented process and a generic concepts model are core elements. One of the focuses is the ability to represent and meet individual values and needs in relation to different concepts for cooperating care and nursing. Different types of computer support to use the ICF classification are explored. The partners running the test bed together with Alkit are Famna, Bräcke diakoni and Jönköping Academy.
COPD – Home Treatment of Patients with Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency
Alkit participates in a project developing a telemedicine solution for treatment of Chronic Respiratory Insufficiency (COPD) patients at home. All aspects such as technical implementation, economic viability, medical processes, as well as acceptance of new technology by the patients and medical professionals are taken into consideration. Within the project, Alkit is focusing on developing video communication solutions and serious gaming technology for rehabilitation training. The project is coordinated by RISE SICS.
Second Road – Continuous Roll-out
Alkit participates in the Continuous Roll-out sub-project of the Second Road project, together with Volvo Cars and Semcon. The goal of the project is to improve the deployment and testing processes of automotive software development through remote software upgrades over the air in connected vehicles. The project is co-funded by VINNOVA within the FFI programme. A video presentatation is available here.
SAPPA: Service Architecture for Product and Production Availability
The aim of the SAPPA project is to develop, test and demonstrate an innovative cloud-based predictive and preventive maintenance system, improving availability of products and production systems, with a focus on heavy industry applications. The approach is to proactively detect deviations in behavior of products, compared to a simulation model continuously updated with real-time data captured from products in operation, using telematic services and cloud-based analytics. As an additional benefit, the operational data collected from products in use creates a valuable information asset supporting knowledge driven product development, whereby next generation products are improved and the time to market for new products is reduced. The SAPPA project is part of the Produktion2030 Strategic Innovation Programme. Read more here.
AngelVision is a Eurostars project collaboration between Alkit and Navocap. The objective is to develop a safe and reliable pedestrian navigation service for blind and visually impaired persons. This population requires an accurate and comfortable navigation experience, which is why the users of the AngelVision service will have voice and video access whenever they need it (if they become lost or disoriented) to an operator at a remote service platform that sees what they see and knows exactly where they are located. Read more here.
Alkit participates in the Celtic-Plus Project NOTTS, concerning the Next generation Over-the-top (OTT) multimedia services. The project covers the whole ecosystem of media distribution, from scalable coding, media distribution architectures and workload models, to client monitoring and business model analysis. The project includes a wide range of industrial and academic partners from five countries. The final goal of the project is to provide technological solutions that involve a new business line for all stakeholders. NOTTS won the Celtic Plus Excellence Award and the Eureka Innovation Award in the category “Competitiveness and Growth”. Read more here.
BAuD – Big Automotive Data
The BAuD project is devoted to studying Big Data concepts and techniques in an automotive context. When vehicles become connected to the Internet and telematic services give the opportunity to collect vast amounts of data, the challenge is how to make the best possible use of the data to improve vehicle development and to create new products and services. Project partners are Alkit Communications, Volvo Car Corporation, Uppsala University and Luleå University of Technology. The project is co-funded by VINNOVA within the FFI programme. Read more here.
Smart Vortex
Smart Vortex is a large Integrated Project within the seventh framework programme funded by the European Union. The goal of the project is to provide a technological infrastructure consisting of a comprehensive suite of interoperable tools, services, and methods for intelligent management and analysis of massive data streams to achieve better collaboration and decision making in large-scale collaborative projects concerning industrial innovation engineering. Alkit contributes with competence and development efforts both regarding collaboration technology and sensor data stream capture and processing. More info here.
HD3D – Next Generation Telepresence
In the HD3D project Alkit develops a Telepresence system based on high definition stereoscopic video with support for eye contact and a number of additional features, taking the concept of telepresence to a new level. In the project, Swedish research instutute Acreo provides expertise in Quality of Experience (QoE) and stereoscopic video quality assessment. The project is funded by Alkit and VINNOVA. More info here.
Alkit Communications participated in the Call 7 Celtic Project IPNQSIS, developing continuous monitoring systems to study the behaviour of Quality of Experience (QoE) through the analysis of network and service performance and their impact on end customers. IPNQSIS won the Celtic-Plus Innovation Award. Read more here.
Alkit Communications participated in HDVIPER, a project within the CELTIC Eureka Cluster programme, targeted at development of an open HD videoconferencing platform. Alkit’s contribution to the HDVIPER project was expertise in the field of video communication and software development. See the HDVIPER web page for more info.
In the MedSec project, Alkit developed a process oriented, smartphone-based tool for secure dispensing of drugs in nursing homes.
Information Quality in Cardiology
Alkit has developed a platform for accreditation of cardiologists for adding information for Swedish national quality registries. The goal is to achieve a high degree of information quality in quality registries, for the purpose of development of new therapies and care treatment strategies.
The goal of the SAMS project was to promote team based care for the patient. This means that, when several professional groups are involved in the care and nursing activities for the patient, certain information elements can be common between the different professional groups. In that way observations and decisions concerning the patient can be made known for other members of the team and the quality and adequacy of the care and nursing actions for the patient will be better. There can also be a learning element between the team members. The knowledge of the different team members can be used in a better way.
The purpose of the MobiSams project was to develop cross professional care based on team oriented work procedures and making it possible to treat new patient groups in the home through mobile information systems and services.
iStreams: Searching and analyzing on-line high volume industrial streams
Alkit participated in the iStreams project, together with Uppsala University and Luleå University of Technology. The goal of the project was to develop software infrastructure to efficiently monitor, filter, mine, and analyze large volumes of data originating in vehicles or other products and industrial equipment. Alkit’s contribution to the project was a technological platform for wireless acquisition of measurement data, with a special emphasis on automotive applications. For more information, see the iStreams home page.