Pedestrian Navigation and Assistance for Visually Impaired
The objective of the AngelVision project is to develop a safe and reliable pedestrian navigation service for blind and visually impaired persons. This population requires a highly accurate and comfortable navigation experience, which is why the AngelVision system provides high performance positioning, combined with voice and video communication for assistance whenever needed. A service platform where streaming video from a user’s smartphone can be accessed, together with map-based presentation of the user’s location gives operators the ability to see what users see and know exactly where they are located.
AngelVision is a Eurostars project in collaboration between Alkit Communications AB (Sweden) and Navocap (France). A hardware unit (Angeo), providing highly accurate positioning, connects via Bluetooth to a Smartphone, where an Android app provides communication of position and video to the service platform. The app also supports Voice-over-IP communication between visually impaired users and service platform operators.
Mathias Johanson